Myanmar Animal Shelter Uses Buddhist Chants to Soothe Stray Dogs
Caring for sentient beings with Dharma and determination
Caring for sentient beings with Dharma and determination
Wirathu says he is ready to face the authorities
Buddhist Monk U Bandatta Seindita urges “empathy…
Reptilian inhabitants of Baung Daw Gyoke are…
A final refuge for the forsaken and forgotten
Object of reverence to be moved during renovation…
Bringing education and the hope of a better future
Cities and Kings: Ancient Treasures from Myanmar is the latest in a series of special exhibitions on Southeast Asia curated by the Asian Civilisations Museum (ACM)
The pagodas of Myanmar are tangible, physical expressions of the vast accumulations of merit (Burmese: kutho, also known as hpon) by the Buddhist communities that support