Reflections on Mindfulness Practice: An Overview from the Early Stages to the Age of “McMindfulness”
A history of the idea and practice of mindfulness, East and West
A history of the idea and practice of mindfulness, East and West
Connecting with our Buddhist practice during times of ill-health
Reflecting on a summer of organic farm placements, experiments in loving-kindness and generosity come full circle
Steps along the path of insight meditation to wisdom and peace
One college student’s reflections on growth on the Buddhist path
A welcome addition to the scholarship of pre-modern Theravada
Deepening our understanding of meditative practices
Teachings titled “Vipassana” to be held on 26–27 December
Indian philosophy led him to ponder how we study as well…
Investigating tsunami-sized emotions, one moment at a…
Relying on the contagious nature of kindness in our…
Discovering the happiness of the Dhamma in rural Argentina