Beginner’s Mind: Beyond the Stereotype: Challenging the Perception of a Peaceful Religion
A US college student challenges stereotypes and preconceptions about Buddhism, religion, and spirituality
A US college student challenges stereotypes and preconceptions about Buddhism, religion, and spirituality
Digging into the question of harm and violence given a deep philosophical understanding of Buddhist concepts
Participants in the dialogue agreed on the importance of building bridges to combat violence and promote peace
A man was seen on security footage throwing a Molotov cocktail through the window of Huyen Trang Temple, sparking an arson investigation
The Soka Gakkai Council on Peace Issues puts out statement calling for peace and humanitarian aid for civilians caught in the devastating conflict in Gaza.
Hozan Alan Senauke offers Dharmic commentary on peace and on liberation from the poisons of greed, hatred, and delusion
A US college student contemplates his place in the world through a Buddhist lens of interconnection and compassion
As the cycle of trauma repeats itself, we have an opportunity to be peacemakers and to lift others up
The Indian-born congressman hopes the group can counter religious and cultural bias in the United States
Hozan Alan Senauke offers a thoughtful commentary on military oppression in Myanmar and a Buddhist perspective on violent and nonviolent resistance
Contemplating the space between Buddhist activism and community building
After the recent tragic violence in the predominantly Asian city of Monterey Park, California, religious leaders from many faiths are helping the community mourn