The Magical Kingdom of Bhutan
Tiffani Gyatso shares insights into an ancient wisdom from her recent visit to Bhutan
Tiffani Gyatso shares insights into an ancient wisdom from her recent visit to Bhutan
The Tergar Meditation Community has announced a “Worldwide Community Day of Meditation and Celebration” to mark the birthday of Mingyur Rinpoche.
Serkong Tsenshap Rinpoche introduces his new initiative and explains the importance of traditional Tibetan debate in our modern world
The Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition shared that it has helped more than 1,500 students in India and Nepal to receive an education.
The sixth iteration of China’s largest international Buddhist symposium marks a renewed emphasis on compassionate action and enlightened joy
Matthew J. Moore’s analysis of Buddhist political theory remains an informative work that requires new input on multiple fronts
84000, a global nonprofit translation initiative, has announced an online event on 9 November with Buddhist scholar Dr. John Canti.
Dongyu Gatsal Ling Nunnery in Himachal Pradesh marked the 25th anniversary of its founding on 17 October.
Joseph Houseal and Chelley Sherman will embark on a “Journey Through the Dance of Form” in a forthcoming online workshop exploring form and consciousness
A sacred refuge of Buddhist practice established by Chatral Sangye Dorje Rinpoche
Anam Thubten Rinpoche examines the concept of buddha-nature and how the path to recognizing our fundamental nature is the key to liberation
Asa Hershoff examines spiritual practices and perspectives that help us to live mindfully, compassionately, and courageously