A Wake-Up Call to all Buddhists
Remorse and shame are completely appropriate feelings in light of our karmic debts, but they connect us deeper to the Buddhas
Remorse and shame are completely appropriate feelings in light of our karmic debts, but they connect us deeper to the Buddhas
Digital Bodhisattva columnist and engaged Buddhist Dexter Bohn explores cultivating discernment in the age of AI
Spiritual questions about our increasingly complex emotional relationship with AI chatbots and how they reflect our own minds
Practices for peace, healing, and harmony in an imperfect world
Developing relationships with animals can help us see more deeply into the ignorance in human nature
Feline insights into the conditions of existence
How COVID-19 and the environment are inextricably…
Engaged Buddhism and the path to reconciliation and…
Tackling the three poisons of social media
How our fascination with outer space can inform developing…
The immense challenge of climate change and our…
At the entrance to the temple here at Khadro Ling there is an image of the Wheel of Life, (Skt. bhavacakra), clutched by a gruesome-looking monster