From Bangladesh to Korea: Struggles and Successes on the Path to Female Monasticism
Ven. Krisha Goutomi Bhikkhuni talks about female ordination and the face of modern Buddhism in Bangladesh
Ven. Krisha Goutomi Bhikkhuni talks about female ordination and the face of modern Buddhism in Bangladesh
The prominent Buddhist activist Rani Yan Yan was among six activists recognized at the First Annual Ceremony for the Award for Global Anti-Racism Champions.
Female monasticism and the fourfold sangha: a lineage re-established
Prof. David Dale Holmes offers a Theravada perspective on guarding the gates of the mind
The statue, claimed to be the largest seated Buddha statue in the world, has been built under the patronage of the military dictatorship
A caravan of female and male Buddhist monastics and lay practitioners from Thailand concluded a 700-kilometer peace pilgrimage in Ladakh on Sunday.
Hozan Alan Senauke offers a thoughtful commentary on military oppression in Myanmar and a Buddhist perspective on violent and nonviolent resistance
A shining example of the alignment between Buddhist scholarship, Buddhist activism, and Buddhist practice from around the world.
Progress on the path through eliminating the Five Mental Hindrances
BDG joins a unique gathering of monastic and lay practitioners on a Dharmic journey of study, exchange, and experience
Marking Indonesia’s celebration of Vesak, the Young Buddhist Association organized events to raise awareness of the universal values of Buddhism.
Henepola Gunaratana acted as an early and highly successful Theravada Buddhist missionary and mindfulness popularizer in the US and beyond