Daughters of the Buddha: Progress on the Path of Female Ordination – A Conversation with Ven. Dhammananda Bhikkhuni
Female monasticism and the fourfold sangha: a lineage re-established
Female monasticism and the fourfold sangha: a lineage re-established
The International Network of Engaged Buddhists has announced that the International Young Bodhisattva Program is now open to prospective applicants.
A caravan of female and male Buddhist monastics and lay practitioners from Thailand concluded a 700-kilometer peace pilgrimage in Ladakh on Sunday.
After 20 years at a Buddhist temple, concerns arose that the animal’s health was in decline due to abuse and neglect
The International Network of Engaged Buddhists hosted an interfaith gathering where religious leaders expressed support for equality and social inclusivity.
The story of Ajahn Buddhadasa, one of Thailand’s most most prominent modern thinkers in ecumenism, interfaith, and modernity
BDG joins a unique gathering of monastic and lay practitioners on a Dharmic journey of study, exchange, and experience
Ajahn Pranom works to raise awareness of plastic pollution and reduce plastic waste
Pope Francis was unable to attend the event which acted as a continuation of decades of friendship-building between Catholics and Buddhists
Khyentse Foundation has announced the establishment of a new chair in Buddhist studies at the International Buddhist College in Thailand.
BDG speaks with Jonathan Watts on his new two-volume examination of the evolution of engaged Buddhism in Japan
According to reports, the monks had begun to attract wealthy donors who may have donated great sums thinking it would go to the temple