EcoDharma in Asia: 2024 and Beyond
John Harvey Negru looks at the ongoing work of the International Network of Engaged Buddhists in their efforts to build sustainable Dharma networks
John Harvey Negru looks at the ongoing work of the International Network of Engaged Buddhists in their efforts to build sustainable Dharma networks
The Barre Center for Buddhist Studies has done extensive work in its teachings, land and building use, and collaborations to put it on the cutting edge of contemporary ecoDharma
As the many crisis around the world continue to grow, interfaith workers offer a unique perspective to help us all connect more meaningfully both to one another and to our own religious tradition
An interview with Kira Jade Cooper, whose work has spanned from ecosystem health to systems change to mindfulness and more, on the topics of nature, Buddhism, relationships, and the future
Ven. Pomnyun Suni invites us to reassess our material desires and attachments through the lens of the climate crises
A loving-kindness practitioner brings her wisdom to a new farm, finding new stirrings of compassion and growth
A retreat center in Vermont is poised to become a major clean energy provider for their community
A Buddhist structure for individuals and institutions to move toward a greener future
The International Network of Engaged Buddhists (INEB) has announced the launch in January of its annual School of English for Engaged Social Service (SENS 2023)—a
Continuing to learn on a new farm, our loving-kindness practitioner helps to open the way for all that is good
A conversation on Buddhism in contemporary society and the role of engaged Buddhism in the face of human-made global crises.
Seeing the future of sustainable food first hand as indigenous ideas and industrial producers come together