Buddhistdoor View: A New Relationship with Nature
Reflecting on our increasingly destructive path as a species and how Buddhist principles could help turn us around
Reflecting on our increasingly destructive path as a species and how Buddhist principles could help turn us around
Transformation and purification: scenarios of suffering within the eight worldly conditions
A Buddhist perspective on nurturing creativity and opening our hearts and minds to the beauty of the universe
Buddhist reflections on the many forms of refuge we might find in life and the importance of healthy, upright, and skillful refuges
How not to lose sight of the wisdom of impermanence
On taking personal responsibility and accepting the consequences of our choices
On the nature of the body, of the self, and of impermanence.
A conversation on Buddhism in contemporary society and the role of engaged Buddhism in the face of human-made global crises.
Finding our footing on the path toward awakening
Working through the difficult realities of working hard and knowing there is still so much more to do
Finding acceptance in the face of anguish
Talking openly about the blight of suicide We face a global mental health epidemic. When people are suffering from untreated, severe mental illnesses and emotional