Buddhistdoor View: Awe in the Age of Distraction – Space Travel and Spiritual Growth
A reminder that the greatest of humanity’s achievements can spur our own energy toward the cultivation of compassion and wisdom for the sake of all beings
A reminder that the greatest of humanity’s achievements can spur our own energy toward the cultivation of compassion and wisdom for the sake of all beings
Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche and Dr. Thomas Doctor share their perspectives on the role of Buddhist studies in a rapidly changing world
Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche lays out the foundation of the Buddhist path for modern practitioners
Embodying the Dharma name of Svabhava, Vienna seeks to reignite the spirituality of zero through alternative economics
Karen Greenspan visits Nepal, where she engages with a contemporary manifestation of an ancient tradition of Buddhist dance
How Buddhism and Daoism interacted to bring a unique spiritual heritage in historical and modern China
Introducing a new book: Tibetan Yoga: Principles and..
Barry Kerzin is a very busy monk with such a demanding schedule that we were lucky to even have time to meet. He is currently