Bhumisparsha: Global Shakyamuni Buddha Mantra Accumulation Poised to Top 500 Million Recitations
Response to worldwide cyber-gathering exceeds…
Response to worldwide cyber-gathering exceeds…
Engaged Buddhism and the path to reconciliation and…
New Delhi, Colombo pledge to boost relations in virtual…
Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche to give online public teaching…
Design based on the revered Sompura Mahavihara in…
New single to be released on 15 August
Practical advice for today given by the Buddha 2,500 years ago
Worldwide cyber-gathering conceived by Dzongsar…
Project to become the main temple in Tuva and a pillar of…
Returned artworks dated to the 18th century
Returning to the true essence
Transformation and transcendence on the…