Buddhist Mindfulness Versus Secular Mindfulness, Part 3
Lam Yuen Ching deepens her exploration of the foundational differences between Buddhist mindfulness practices and their secular counterparts
Lam Yuen Ching deepens her exploration of the foundational differences between Buddhist mindfulness practices and their secular counterparts
Prof. David Dale Holmes considers what it means to embark on the Buddha’s path to liberation
Right View and Right Intention on the Buddhist path
Understanding the cause-and-effect relationship that is based on dependent origination
Exploring the roots and motives of our mental actions
Eradicating the root of craving and the causes of suffering
Cultivating metta to overcome harmful mental habits
Centuries of Buddhist wisdom meets decades of…
Exploring the spirit of Buddhism-inspired peace
I visited Venerable Nyanaponika Thera at the Forest Hermitage, in Kandy, Sri Lanka, in the mid-1980s, when Bhikkhu Bodhi was still staying there with him,