US Congressman Shri Thanedar Launches Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, and Jain American Caucus
The Indian-born congressman hopes the group can counter religious and cultural bias in the United States
The Indian-born congressman hopes the group can counter religious and cultural bias in the United States
The Young Buddhist Association of Indonesia held an interfaith study event on the theme “Religion of Love” from the perspectives of Buddhism and Islam.
A delegation of more than 100 monastics from Taiwan’s United Association of Humanistic Buddhism recently met with Pope Francis at the Vatican.
The Young Buddhist Association of Indonesia hosted a national workshop on the theme “National Intellectual & Compassion Workshop for A Better Nation.”
The Young Buddhist Association of Indonesia and its counterpart the Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia jointly organized an online interfaith forum earlier this month to
Uncertainty reigns for India’s migrant communities
Decision marks a turning point in more than six months of…
Bill expected to be adopted in June
After two Islamist gunmen stormed the offices of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo on 7 January 2015, killing 12 people and wounding 11, many in France resolved
It appears that all the wrong lessons have been learned by Western governments and by the mainstream media from the recent tragedies in Beirut, Paris,