Interfaith Dialogue: Parliament of the World’s Religions Convenes in Chicago with a Focus on Human Rights
The 2023 Parliament of the World’s Religions commenced on Monday, with some 6,500 religious and spiritual leaders assembling in Chicago.
The 2023 Parliament of the World’s Religions commenced on Monday, with some 6,500 religious and spiritual leaders assembling in Chicago.
Anam Thubten Rinpoche offers a meditation on the Buddhadharma in the contemporary world
A Korean Buddhist monastic explores film as a medium for sharing spiritual wisdom
Ven. Pomnyun Sunim on Wednesday joined an interfaith assembly of religious leaders in Seoul to announce a five-point peace declaration.
Prof. Gereon Kopf reflects on years of teaching about Japanese Buddhism as he embarks on the arduous Shikoku Pilgrimage
The Young Buddhist Association of Indonesia hosted an interfaith dialogue on the question: does religious moderation conflict with religious teachings?
A college student in the US reflects on her first encounter with the Buddhdharma
MiaoLan Lee is fighting to keep her Buddhist temple, which city officials say violates building codes and must be demolished
Cultural echoes of the sacred feminine in East and West
The International Network of Engaged Buddhists hosted an interfaith gathering where religious leaders expressed support for equality and social inclusivity.
BDG joins a unique gathering of monastic and lay practitioners on a Dharmic journey of study, exchange, and experience
A US college student considers the role of religious literacy in the 21st century