Dharma and Politics
Anam Thubten Rinpoche offers a Dharma teaching on practicing compassion and equanimity in an increasingly polarized world
Anam Thubten Rinpoche offers a Dharma teaching on practicing compassion and equanimity in an increasingly polarized world
A US college student examines some of the confluences of Buddhism and Islam, and how this has shaped her personal practice
Rev. Grace Song shares her remarks given on 16 March 2024 at the “May We Gather” pilgrimage in Antioch, California
Anam Thubten Rinpoche offers a commentary on modern Buddhism and the commonalities that connect us all
The new president of the American Academy of Religion discusses her plans for the West’s largest religious studies organization
A US college student challenges stereotypes and preconceptions about Buddhism, religion, and spirituality
A US college student contemplates his place in the world through a Buddhist lens of interconnection and compassion
Ven. Pomnyun Sunim gives a Dharma teaching on the Buddhist practice of self-reliance
New research shows a range of attitudes to one’s own and other religions in three Buddhist countries, two Muslim countries, and one multifaith country
A US high school student shares her perspective on her formative encounters with the Buddhadharma
Joseph Houseal explores the mysteries of esoteric ritual dance in Japan, and profiles practitioner Elizabeth Tinsley
Ven. Pomnyun Sunim examines the causes and conditions for liberation from suffering in a recent Dharma talk