Does the Contemplation Sutra Teach Us to Attain Rebirth through Contemplation of Meditative Virtues?
Alan Kwan clarifies the deeper meaning of the Contemplation Sutra: that meditative virtues remain secondary to chanting the Name
Alan Kwan clarifies the deeper meaning of the Contemplation Sutra: that meditative virtues remain secondary to chanting the Name
The teachings of Pure Land Buddhism can offer a powerful antidote to our ego-driven habits that give rise to so much suffering
Alan Kwan examines why Shakyamuni Buddha advised beings to be reborn in Amitabha’s paradise a full three times
The Pure Land Buddhist tradition is affirmed by Shakyamuni Buddha’s encouragement to strive for rebirth in the Land of Bliss
Zen teacher Yamada Mumon Rōshi’s series of essays on Hakuin’s poem receives a rich and faithful English translation
A conversation with Singaporean Clement Tan launches this series of interviews with international leaders of Shin Buddhist sanghas
What prevents us from following and practicing any of Shakyamuni Buddha’s 84,000 expedient teachings and following Amitabha?
Remorse and shame are completely appropriate feelings in light of our karmic debts, but they connect us deeper to the Buddhas
Examining the methods by which enlightened beings make us ordinary delusional creatures into buddhas
Why the Pure Land teachings bring both Shakyamuni Buddha and Amitabha Buddha into a cosmic plan for our liberation
Discussing the sambhogakaya (enjoyment) body of Amitabha Buddha’s differences from Shakyamuni’s nirmanakaya (manifestation)
Discussing the deep and true objective of Pure Land Buddhism – becoming an enlightened being through the Name of Amitabha