Beginner’s Mind: Anicca
Cinthya Maldonado
29 August 2020
Thoughts on impermanence and meaning in a precarious.
Seeing Non-self
Prof. David Dale Holmes
17 August 2020
Extracts from the Samyutta Nikaya
Buddhist Principles for a Just Economy
Justin Whitaker
25 July 2020
Recognizing common ideals and practices for turning…
Buddhistdoor View: Finding Home in Interfaith Dialogue
Buddhistdoor Global
29 February 2020
Connecting with people of other faiths to better connect…
Nairatmya: The Transcendent Feminine Wisdom of Non-self
Tilly Campbell-Allen
3 February 2020
Cultivating the key to realization
You Can Change the Past: Using Active Mindfulness to Rescript Difficult Memories
Seth Shugar
20 December 2019
Beyond accepting the past, we can actively change it and…
Buddhistdoor View: Hong Kong’s Turmoil – Spiritual Witnessing to Borrowed Time
Buddhistdoor Global
22 June 2019
Statehood, identity, and the future of Hong Kong
The Missing Self in Buddhism and Psychology
Asa Hershoff
5 June 2019
Essence-centered spiritual development
On Technology and Human Connection: An Interview with Ajahn Brahm
Shveitta Sharma
21 March 2019
A conversation on being human in a technological world
Sustainable Change Management: Serenity, Courage, and Wisdom
Dr. Ernest Chi-Hin Ng
23 June 2018
On the need for a real awakening toward…
Sitting Karate, Sitting with Shihan
Vanessa Sasson
8 June 2018
Self and non-self: glimpses of the inner vastness