Wonder: The Heart of Renunciation
I recently had a chance to visit the Wonder* art exhibition at the Renwick Gallery in Washington, DC, which comprises two floors filled with large-scale, site-specific
I recently had a chance to visit the Wonder* art exhibition at the Renwick Gallery in Washington, DC, which comprises two floors filled with large-scale, site-specific
For more than three decades, I have researched and explored the mind and consciousness. My investigations have included pharmaceutical lab work with mind-altering substances and
Born in Hong Kong and based in Chilliwack, British Columbia, since 1994, Venerable Yin Kit Sik (also known as Sister Jessie) ordained as a Buddhist
In last month’s column, we explored the first parami (Skt. paramita, or “perfection”) of dana (“generosity”), so we are now ready to explore the second, sila, which translates as “morality” or
In the high-pressure world of Hong Kong, 22 students have committed suicide since the start of this academic year in September 2015, leading to increasingly
Today is Christmas Eve. Apart from any religious and secular celebrations we may choose to observe, it is also commonly recognized as an opportunity to
I’ve recently noticed how easily I fall into negative thinking, holding on to negative thoughts and letting go of positive ones. We all have this
The Buddha gave us many methods to facilitate the investigation of our own minds. With conscious intention and some determination, we can end or greatly
Shamatha meditation is the practice of settling the mind into a stable and calm state of present-moment awareness. Once the mind is in such a state,
The Fourth Noble Truth is The Path that leads to the cessation of dukkha (“ill-being” or “suffering”). The Path is also called the Noble Eightfold Path of
For all the attention paid to the First Noble Truth (often mistranslated as “Life is suffering”), one must remember that it only makes sense taken
A Hong Kong resident for many years, over the summer I have been visiting friends and family in the UK. One of the highlights was