Clarity, Compassion, and Courage: Buddhist Global Relief Announces New Year Retreat Schedule
The retreat events include guided meditations and Dhamma talks by Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi, Ven. Ayya Dhammadipa, Ven. Jin Chuan, and Ven. Jin Wei.
The retreat events include guided meditations and Dhamma talks by Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi, Ven. Ayya Dhammadipa, Ven. Jin Chuan, and Ven. Jin Wei.
Treating yourself with compassion while you grieve
Thoughts on emotional trauma and spiritual practice
Re-engaging with life with mindful focus
Navigating modern Buddhist life as a layperson
Meditating on the ritual of Christmas as an opportunity to reflect on habit, culture, consumption, and mindfulness
A Buddhist perspective on connection and interconnection
On the transformative power of engaged Buddhism
Avoiding the kammic dangers of addiction, greed, and unwholesome actions
Intention and impact in mindful communication
A Buddhist perspective on the relationship between well-being and symbolism, spirituality, and contemplation
Buddhist groups will offer free online events ahead of COP26