World Peace-ification
Joseph Houseal casts a critical eye on modern interpretations and improvements of ancient dance traditions
Joseph Houseal casts a critical eye on modern interpretations and improvements of ancient dance traditions
Most people with even some tangential knowledge of Buddhism have heard about the concept of “nirvāṇa.” But what is its significance for the pilgrims after weeks of solitary hiking ready to rejoin the society?
Prof. Gereon Kopf continues his Shikoku pilgrimage in Japan, examining themes of awakening, loss, and connection
Prof. Gereon Kopf reflects on years of teaching about Japanese Buddhism as he embarks on the arduous Shikoku Pilgrimage
Understanding the historical and contemporary role of women in Japan’s Shugendo tradition
New technology could aid elderly Buddhist pilgrims and others attain religious goals
Two sets of ancient documents offer insights into the history of Buddhism in Japan
Mochizuki spent a decade offering peace in the frenzied..
Guidance on the bridge from the secular to the sacred
Believed to be 19th century devotional items for making…
The wrathful manifestation of Vairocana in Esoteric…
Mapping the way from suffering to liberation