Women in Shugendo: Supporters, Leaders, or Both? Part 2
Introducing Tatsumi Anju from Sakuramotobou, a Shugendo temple in Yoshino
Introducing Tatsumi Anju from Sakuramotobou, a Shugendo temple in Yoshino
The International Network of Engaged Buddhists (INEB) has announced a new upcoming episode in its “Thich Nhat Hanh Reflection Series” of online talks. Scheduled for
An examination of survival and continuity for endangered Buddhist dance traditions
Understanding the historical and contemporary role of women in Japan’s Shugendo tradition
The Soka Gakkai International (SGI) Buddhist organization has announced the annual world peace proposal by SGI president Daisaku Ikeda.
Learning from the lives of two European-born men who became Zen monks
Exploring an ancient Japanese art form heralding peace and abundance
New technology could aid elderly Buddhist pilgrims and others attain religious goals
Ryushin Takiyama brings traditional Japanese culture to the modern world with a dance video set in a Buddhist meditation hall
A scholar brings us the life and context of one of Zen’s greatest figures
Williams documented the sorrows, hopes, and lives of many of the 125,000 people of Japanese ancestry imprisoned in the United States during WWII
A conversation with Shugendo researcher Ignas Čepelė