Buddhistdoor View: TikTok, Shifting Platforms, and Global Community
Concerned about policy changes, American TikTok influencers migrate to another Chinese platform, raising questions of ethics and interdependence online and in the real world
Concerned about policy changes, American TikTok influencers migrate to another Chinese platform, raising questions of ethics and interdependence online and in the real world
A tale of technicolor immersion in the world of boots-on-the-ground spirituality.
Kassidy Evans examines how social media has amplified the false sense of self in young people—and the Buddhist antidote
Tiffani Gyatso ponder the implications of digital technology and AI and our deeper relationship with the natural world
An online sangha brings the Jodo Shinshu tradition to a Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking audience with Dharma talks, rituals, and connection
Exploring how the Wojak and Doomer memes have come to be so popular on the Internet and social media, as well as their cultural significance
Introducing a new column that explores emerging frontiers at the confluence of engaged Buddhism and digital technology
On the dangers of becoming disassociated from our intrinsic interconnectedness
Manners is a modern word, yet it wields the power to invoke old-fashioned motifs and ideals: the kind of imagery you might see in a
Embracing our belonging to this planetary community of…
Dzogchen course part of an expanding library of online…
Entering 2021 with the Triple Gem