Buddhistdoor View: A Tribute to Women of All Buddhist Traditions
A hope of securing full participation for women in the…
Tibetan Book of the Dead, Part Three: One Last Dance
Sometimes, dance is what philosophy looks like. Only rarely in my long years of dance research has a painted image been so arresting with its
Marginalized and Ignored: The Corrosion of Bangladeshi Minority-Government Relations
Bangladesh was founded in 1971 as a multiethnic and multicultural nation, with a constitution that grants freedom of peaceful religious practice. Unfortunately, Islamic fundamentalism remains a
A Light in the Darkness of the Slums of India
Right in the centre of India sits the city of Nagpur. Here, where summer temperatures soar as high as 47°C and the streets are always dusty and
The Xuanzang Memorial: Evoking China and India’s Buddhist Past and Future
For several years now, I have observed the diplomatic force of Buddhism in the relationship between China and India. The event that first drew my
Falguni Purnima: Celebrating Family Reunions and the Buddha’s Life
In South and Southeast Asia, important Buddhist festivals are often celebrated on the day of the full moon (Purnima). For instance, the Buddha’s birth, enlightenment,
The Kalachakra Effect — Why is the Kalachakra Initiation So Popular?
Insights into one of Tibetan Buddhism’s most captivating…
Mindful Technology For Right Livelihood: Foundations and Examples
Dharma practitioners, and many people who uphold and live by ethical values, can sometimes be far from open minded, even old fashioned to the point
Art Sutra: Do Higher Prices Mean a Higher Path?
For centuries, Buddhist works of art have adorned monasteries, temples, galleries, museums, and private collections around the world, monuments to Buddhism’s far-reaching impact and timeless
The Great Shravasti Buddhist Cultural Assembly
Shravasti was a dynamo of a city in the ancient world, home to nearly 1 million people in the Buddha’s lifetime during the 6th century
Singapore Exhibition Sheds Light on Ancient Treasures from Myanmar
Cities and Kings: Ancient Treasures from Myanmar is the latest in a series of special exhibitions on Southeast Asia curated by the Asian Civilisations Museum (ACM)