Change Is Difficult. Complaining Is Easy
Accepting disappointment and cultivating non-attachment in the face of change
Living in End Times
Applying the Buddhist wisdom of the vastness of time and the importance of refuge to the reality of our current climate crisis
Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche on Biodiversity Conservation and the Illegal Wildlife Trade
A conversation on the Buddhist view on biodiversity, respect for wildlife, and ecological conservation
Little Did They Know . . .
A meditation on impermanence and the wisdom of letting go
The Center Within
Allowing questions to unravel threads of identity and clinging so as to see and breathe more clearly and freely in our lives
Purifying Samsara’s Grand Mess
Transformation and purification: scenarios of suffering within the eight worldly conditions
Keep Your Eyes on Your Own Paper
Attachment and impermanence: mindfulness on the path of practice
What Plants Can Teach Us about Living During a Pandemic
Navigating our lives and our Buddhist practice with acceptance and equanimity.
Impermanence Is in Sight
How not to lose sight of the wisdom of impermanence
Funereal Reflections on Nurturing
An ode of appreciation to a mother and a remembrance of her life of music lived through difficult times
Uncertainty, Insecurity, and Instability
On the nature of the body, of the self, and of impermanence.