The Dry Lake
An intimate account of the rise and decline of one of Europe’s first centers of Zen Buddhism
An intimate account of the rise and decline of one of Europe’s first centers of Zen Buddhism
Negotiations between Afghanistan’s new Taliban government and China’s state-owned China Metallurgical Group Corp. (MCC) and its publicly listed subsidiary Metallurgical Corp. of China are underway
Beginning a new series on the ancient cultural and Buddhist heritage of Nabji in Bhutan
The Association of Korean Buddhist Orders has announced the publication of Buddhist National Treasures of Korea. This new 480-page volume of cultural heritage catalogues the
The Buddha’s teaching was, on the surface, aimed at wandering mendicants (Skt: sramana). Yet it differed drastically from the sramanic religious movements that came before,
Understanding the historical and contemporary role of women in Japan’s Shugendo tradition
Iowa college to have a full-time Buddhist studies professor for the first time thanks to foundation funding
Exploring an ancient Japanese art form heralding peace and abundance
After five years of development, the site housing meditation halls, a Buddhist University, museum, and hospital plans to open soon
A scholar brings us the life and context of one of Zen’s greatest figures
Visitors to New York City will have a new opportunity to see almost seventy Buddhist objects from fourteen countries
Williams documented the sorrows, hopes, and lives of many of the 125,000 people of Japanese ancestry imprisoned in the United States during WWII