Zhiguan Museum of Fine Art: Strengthening the International Community of Himalayan Art
A repository of exquisite art and deep wisdom
A repository of exquisite art and deep wisdom
Retreating glaciers, declining snowfall point to grim outlook
Renowned practitioner of traditional Tibetan medicine…
The inestimable influence of a great Russian artist, scholar…
India reminded to follow Beijing’s lead on lineage…
His Holiness expected to return to Dharamsala in a matter of…
First full Mahakala Puja ever conducted in Taiwan
On experiencing buddhahood and reaching the ocean of…
There are not so many places left on Earth where the population is virtually 100 per cent Tantric Buddhist. Spiti Valley in Himachal Pradesh, India,
Mutual amazement at what the other does not find extraordinary is a situation I regularly encounter when speaking with monk dancers. They usually cannot believe
Venture into remote places and you will find a joyful purity. During our recent summer fieldwork in Himachal Pradesh, northern India, we distributed copies of