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POSTCARD from Dharamsala

Hi Mom and Dad, Missing you both today and being there for Thanksgiving with everyone else! It’s beautiful here in the mountains and I had

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Peaches in Izmir

Original Chinese text: KK LiTranslation and English editing: Raymond Lam I have joined the Intercultural Dialogue Trip to Turkey organized by the Centre of Buddhist

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Silent Offerings

What does Chinese New Year mean to me? First, it is the power hoses that one begins to notice… these are not your ordinary garden-variety

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The Power of a Name

Dandelion seeds. Did you ever pick a dandelion plant on a warm summer day, and hold it to the sky, and blow the soft seeds

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A Moment of Reflection!

Change is the very nature of the phenomenal existence. But most of the times we are not ready to face it. It becomes extremely difficult

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