Rewired by Socially Engaged Buddhists
A tale of technicolor immersion in the world of boots-on-the-ground spirituality.
A tale of technicolor immersion in the world of boots-on-the-ground spirituality.
Buddhist artist Tiffani Gyatso shares her insights on inner and outer manifestations of sacred wisdom during a pilgrimage to Tibet
Joining a growing trend among Buddhists around the world, monastics at Lingyen Mountain Temple in Canada offer refuge to pets
Exploring what Apple’s Vision Pro means for the future of illusion through the lens of dependent origination and retro sci-fi
BDG columnist Maia Duerr ponders the meaning of the pandemic and the hope for change as we confront our interconnectedness
Ven. Pomnyun Suni invites us to reassess our material desires and attachments through the lens of the climate crises
Dagmo Kalden Dunkyi Sakya shares her life story and love for her family, as well as her work at Sakya hospital and other social causes
Female monasticism and the fourfold sangha: a lineage re-established
The Peace Foundation, founded by Venerable Pomnyun Sunim, hosted an international symposium on the theme “New Awareness of War, Peace, and Life.”
Anam Thubten Rinpoche offers a Buddhist perspective on the transformative potential of social media
Center relied on rental income from therapists and yoga teachers, but many of these activities have remained online even as COVID-19 concerns recede
A tribute to the remarkable legacy of one of Buddhism’s most accomplished spiritual leaders