Beginner’s Mind: Māgha Pūjā – A Day Alongside Dukkha
Reflections of a US college student on undertaking to observe the eight precepts
Reflections of a US college student on undertaking to observe the eight precepts
A college student shares her reflections on gender, sexuality, and equality from a Buddhist perspective
An American college student examines how their new perspective on Buddhism has encouraged them to change their relationship with the world
A reflection on Buddhist economics
Reflections from an architecture student at the University of Southern California on her path toward Buddhism
One college student’s reflections on growth on the Buddhist path
Lessons in engaging mindfully with life
An exploration of Buddhist thought and practice
Reflections on environment, interconnection, and equanimity
Planting seeds of insight, effort, and virtue
Articulating a Buddhist response to structural…
Thoughts on Buddhist economics and structural…