Buddhist Temples in Houston, Texas, Report Burglaries
A number of recent thefts and suspicious behavior at Buddhist temples has left many community members on edge, unsure if they are being targeted
A number of recent thefts and suspicious behavior at Buddhist temples has left many community members on edge, unsure if they are being targeted
Generosity streams forth each Friday in the small town of Honoka’a thanks to the efforts of volunteers at the Honoka‘a Hongwanji Buddhist Temple
A high school student in the US examines the mindfulness benefits of a digital fast as part of an experiential learning course on Buddhism
How a local Buddhist temple in San Diego is bringing the heart of authentic Buddhist practice to American seekers
Thai monks eventually scared off the thieves, who left with a small amount of cash and other items
Ven. Pomnyun Sunim gives a Dharma teaching on awareness as the key to liberating oneself from suffering
Anam Thubten Rinpoche offers a commentary on modern Buddhism and the commonalities that connect us all
Venerable Juksanim shares his positive outlook and plans for the development of Won Buddhism in the United States
The popular Canadian program has been a success with students, fostering cultural understanding and mental health awareness
Former bishop of the Buddhist Churches of America is remembered for his contributions to Buddhist practice as well as his visionary work at the Institute of Buddhist Studies
After a fire destroyed a Buddhist temple and irreplaceable historical documents in Seattle, community members work to rebuild
Sarah C. Beasley offers a moving tribute to the renowned Tibetan Buddhist teacher, Tulku Thondup Rinpoche