Light Up Peace: Vesak Day Celebration at Washington DC
A Vesak commemoration in Washington DC to celebrate diversity, foster unity and understanding, and embrace unity, peace, and hope
A Vesak commemoration in Washington DC to celebrate diversity, foster unity and understanding, and embrace unity, peace, and hope
How a local Buddhist temple in San Diego is bringing the heart of authentic Buddhist practice to American seekers
The Indian-born congressman hopes the group can counter religious and cultural bias in the United States
In 20 years, the number of Buddhist communities in and around Wichita has roughly doubled.
Growing Buddhist communities in Iowa signal changing demographics and religious interest
The fabled Chinese military sage Sun Tzu (c. 544–496 BCE) began his Art of War with a sober maxim: war determines the course of a people and
American youth are spiritual but do not easily fit into conventional categories
An American Zen teacher brings koan practice to the modern world
Tending to the natural world, tending to our lives
Buddhists who know him describe Masters as an…
Expressions of spiritual protection during a period of…
Like many Buddhists, he sought to transcend the…