Interfaith Dialogue: Parliament of the World’s Religions Convenes in Chicago with a Focus on Human Rights
The 2023 Parliament of the World’s Religions commenced on Monday, with some 6,500 religious and spiritual leaders assembling in Chicago.
The 2023 Parliament of the World’s Religions commenced on Monday, with some 6,500 religious and spiritual leaders assembling in Chicago.
Reflections on the teachings of Sot’aesan, founder of Won Buddhism, on finding religious harmony within diversity
Joseph Houseal explores the world of Buddhist ritual dance and profiles two Western exponents and practitioners, and their unique perspectives
Holiness the Dalai Lama on Thursday issued a public statement offering prayers for the suffering of people affected by the impact of the climate crisis.
Raoul Saigal of Asiatiques Gallery shares his knowledge of replicating true-to-history Buddha images from India’s golden ages
The prominent Buddhist activist Rani Yan Yan was among six activists recognized at the First Annual Ceremony for the Award for Global Anti-Racism Champions.
Anam Thubten Rinpoche offers a meditation on the Buddhadharma in the contemporary world
Contemplating the joy and sorrow of life transitions with equanimity and wisdom
BDG columnist Asa Hershoff ponders the significance of pilgrimage as part of our Buddhist practice
The Centre of Buddhist Studies (CBS) at the University of Hong Kong (HKU) has announced an upcoming Buddhist studies forum running from 10–11 August.
Prof. David Dale Holmes offers a Theravada perspective on guarding the gates of the mind
What does Buddhism teach us about processing impermanence and working with our grief?