The Buddha’s Servant: The Spiritual Side of Ajahn Buddhadasa’s Social Teachings
The story of Ajahn Buddhadasa, one of Thailand’s most most prominent modern thinkers in ecumenism, interfaith, and modernity
The story of Ajahn Buddhadasa, one of Thailand’s most most prominent modern thinkers in ecumenism, interfaith, and modernity
BDG joins a unique gathering of monastic and lay practitioners on a Dharmic journey of study, exchange, and experience
Modi’s recent visit to the US included a talk with one of North America’s best-known Buddhist scholars
One of the most important Buddhist temples in northern China, Hongluosi is a sanctuary of beauty, history, and mythic power
A Bochum-based research team’s collaboration with Pakistani researchers will transform Gandhara art studies
The 18th Sakyadhita International Conference commenced in Seoul under the theme “Living in a Precarious World: Impermanence, Resilience, Awakening.”
Buddhists have joined with other religious minorities to work for safety and fair representation in Bangladesh
The Peace Foundation, founded by Venerable Pomnyun Sunim, hosted an international symposium on the theme “New Awareness of War, Peace, and Life.”
Ajahn Pranom works to raise awareness of plastic pollution and reduce plastic waste
Pope Francis was unable to attend the event which acted as a continuation of decades of friendship-building between Catholics and Buddhists
An extended article in a Japanese business weekly highlights an interconnected and inexorable nexus of factors for Buddhism’s ongoing decline
While Sri Lanka protects the freedom of religion for all citizens, Buddhism holds special privileges in its constitution