Theravada Teacher Ajahn Brahm Teaching in Hong Kong in March

Acclaimed Theravada teacher Ajahn Brahm will be coming to Hong Kong for a comprehensive teaching tour in March. In a nod to our increasingly troubled and turbulent times, the abbot of Bodhinyana Monastery in Serpentine, Western Australia has titled this tour, “When the Going gets Tough, the Wise get Kindful.” His tour is organized by Bodhinyana International Foundation (BIF), co-organized by the Centre of Buddhist Studies (CBS) at The University of Hong Kong (HKU).*

He will be giving four public events. Two of them are free public talks: one on 3 March at The University of Hong Kong (“When the Going gets Tough, the Wise get Kindful”), and another lecture on 6 March at Chinese University of Hong Kong (“Practising Kindfulness on Campus”). He will hold a Day of Kindfulness and a Day of Mindfulness at The University of Hong Kong on 5 March and 6 March respectively, both of which require an entrance fee. Finally, he will hold a four-day meditation retreat from 7 to 10 March at Courtyard by Marriot.

Ajahn Brahm has spoken and written extensively about his idea of “kindfulness,” which is an amalgamation of the word “mindfulness” and “kind.” Kindfulness is less of a new concept than it is a reminder that developing mindfulness should be accompanied by a friendly and forgiving attitude to oneself and others. True happiness and liberation is not simply meditation and cultivating awareness of how things are, but looking to heal where the heart has been hurt and being aware in a way that is warm, approachable, and tender. Most importantly, kindfulness is a practice to be turned inward, much like mindfulness, except with self-compassion being generated as one directs love and forgiveness to one’s own self.

Ajahn Brahm was born in London in 1951 and initially took an interest in science, graduating from Cambridge with First Class Honours in Theoretical Physics. His life and vocation changed forever once he became the disciple of the late meditation master Ajahn Chah, setting him on the path of a Theravada monk for over five decades. He remains a highly sought after speaker who has been invited to give talks at the corporate headquarters of Google and Facebook, as well as the United Nations.

He also is the author of numerous international bestsellers which have been translated into many different languages including: Opening the Door of your Heart; Mindfulness, Bliss and Beyond; The Art of Disappearing; Good? Bad? Who Knows?; Kindfulness; and Bear Awareness.

Interested participants can use the QR codes to download registration forms or click on the links directly to show their support for Ajahn Brahm.

Online registration

Public talk: “When the Going gets Tough, the Wise get Kindful”

Day of Kindfulness: “When the Going gets Tough, the Wise get Kindful”

Day of Mindfulness at HKUCBH

CUHK Public Talk: “Practising Kindfulness on Campus”

4-Day Meditation Retreat: “When the Going gets Tough, the Wise get Kindful”

* Supporting organizations include: Buddhistdoor Ltd., Hong Kong Society of Dharma Supporters, The D.H. Chen Foundation, Hong Kong University Centre of Buddhist Studies Alumni Association, Buddhist Philosophy Bookshop, and Hong Kong Theravada Meditation Society.

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