Dalai Lama Concludes Teachings on the Heart Sutra for Korean Buddhists
Short discourse has served as a starting point for a wide…
Short discourse has served as a starting point for a wide…
Rinpoche appeals for sanity and hope for a brighter 2021
Yeondeunghoe festival of light celebrates the birth of the…
Entering 2021 with the Triple Gem
Telo Tulku Rinpoche leads commemorative prayer…
Teachings titled “Vipassana” to be held on 26–27 December
Celebrating Japanese culture and Buddhism in America
Teaching Buddhist insight meditation to be translated…
Free event to be held on 20 December
Response to worldwide cyber-gathering exceeds…
In-person teaching to be held in Taipei, with live-streaming
First of a two-part series to feature five prominent panelists