Centre of Buddhist Studies at HKU Announces Two-Day Buddhist Studies Forum in Hong Kong


The Centre of Buddhist Studies (CBS) at the University of Hong Kong (HKU) has announced an upcoming Buddhist studies forum running from 10–11 August. Hosted by CBS at the HKU campus in Hong Kong, and organized by the Glorisun Global Network for Buddhist Studies in partnership with From the Ground Up: Buddhism & East Asian Religion at The University of British Columbia (FROGBEAR), the Buddhist studies forum consists of three parallel conferences held over the course of this two-day event, respectively titled: 

Conference I: Engaged Buddhism for an Engulfed World: New Perspectives on Humanistic Buddhism

Conference II: Sinification, Globalization or Glocalization? Paradigm Shifts in the Study of Transmission and Transformation of Buddhism in Asia and Beyond

Conference III: Buddhism, Science and Technology: Challenges to Religions from a Digitalized World

This forum, featuring a host of respected international scholars from the field of Buddhist studies, is part of Glorisun’s annual International and Intensive Program on Buddhism.

Engaged Buddhism for an Engulfed World: New Perspectives on Humanistic Buddhism will examine the history and evolution of engaged Buddhism in Asia, and contemporary expressions in our changing world.

Sinification, Globalization or Glocalization? Paradigm Shifts in the Study of Transmission and Transformation of Buddhism in Asia and Beyond will look at the indigenization and globalization of Buddhism across history, case studies of the transcultural transmission of Buddhism, and Buddhism’s trans-border transmission and geopolitical reshaping in Asia, among other themes in the context of an increasingly globalized world.

Buddhism, Science and Technology: Challenges to Religions from a Digitalized World will explore the contrasting faces of science and spirituality and their commonalities and areas of overlap, including Buddhism’s perspective on medicine, mathematics, astronomy, literacy, and digital technology.

An opening ceremony and inaugural forum, titled “Beyond Civilizational Clash: The Coalescence of Human Civilizations,” will be held on 10 August, from 2:30pm to 3:30pm.

Click here for full details of the three conferences

Launched in January 2017 with funding from the Glorisun Charitable Foundation, the Glorisun Global Network for Buddhist Studies works with institutions in North America, Europe, and Asia to bridge cultures and disciplines for those working in the area of Buddhist studies.

FROGBEAR is a research and training network aimed at facilitating scholarship in East Asian religions through field visits, skill building, study, and knowledge sharing.

See more

Inaugural Forum: Beyond Civilizational Clash: The Coalescence of Human Civilizations (Centre of Buddhist Studies, The University of Hong Kong)
Engaged Buddhism for an Engulfed World: New Perspectives on Humanistic Buddhism (Glorisun: Global Buddhist Network)
Sinification, Globalization or Glocalization?: Paradigm Shifts in the Study of Transmission and Transformation of Buddhism in Asia and Beyond (Glorisun: Global Buddhist Network)
Buddhism, Science and Technology: Challenges to Religions from a Digitalized World (Glorisun: Global Buddhist Network)

Centre of Buddhist Studies, University of Hong Kong
Glorisun: Global Buddhist Network
From the Ground Up: Buddhism & East Asian Religion (The University of British Columbia)

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