Science is basically Quantitative. Is it possible to measure our THREE GUNAS?
On More About the Neuroscience of Enlightenment
Sadhu sadhu sadhu
On India Hosts International Conference “The Spread of Buddhist Thought”
Brilliant work and explanation/exposition by both. Ann is a blessing to the conservation of this tradition. This article was particularly…
On Thangkas, Terabytes, and Tradition
Emotional and/or psychological trauma from unhindered toxic abuse typically results in a helpless child's brain improperly developing. If allowed to…
On What You Think, You Become …
Very beautiful!
On Plans Underway to Complete Buddhist Pilgrimage Site in Nagarjuna Sagar, Central India
Wonderfully articulate article shining with clarity.
On Being a Rinpoche: A Conversation with Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche
Masum [...]we like to honor quite a few other web internet sites around the internet, even when they arent linked…
On Guidelines for Authentic Mindful Technology
This is a wonderfully auspicious avenue of practice, worthy of much more expanded collaboration. Thanks for a great article!
On Restoration and Justice: An Interview with Dr. Natalie Avalos on Indigenous Spirituality and Buddhist Allies
Very interesting article. Wide prospective and very good analyse of the natural enviroment. Plus some good connection to Buddism. Thank…
On Seeing And Revering Nature With Love: Trees Of Dharamsala By Nicholas Vreeland
re: "Thirsty Chickens and Dirty Water" thank you! Loved reading this today.
On Thirsty Chickens and Dirty Water