myanmar the forgotten country , the world stands and watches as the most evil crimes are committed , and does…
On Myanmar Junta Has Destroyed Over 100 Buddhist Monasteries, Christian Churches – Report
Dear Jose, I was very touched by your sincerity and honesty as well as your commitment to social justice and…
On Healing the World: The First Problem
i just read your content and really appreciated how you wrote about our teacher, Ven. Sansanee. so If you want…
On Thai Buddhist Leader Mae Chee Sansanee Sthirasuta Dies Aged 68
Hello, I'm a filmmaker from Portugal, and I'm working on a documentary about "Hands", and I'd like to know if…
On Tyra Kleen: Mudra
As a Buddhist, I am in complete agreement with the sentiments of this article. However, as a scholar who for…
On Buddhistdoor View: What Is Lost when Warmongers Win?
[…] Full article in English↓ […]
On Women in Shugendo: Supporters, Leaders, or Both? Part 2
words from Theravada Tipitaka must reach all societies online for their welfare, happiness and peace. To overcome hunger the worst…
On On Being Brave: Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche on Technology and the Dissemination of the Dharma
Thank you, Breeshia Wade, for this very honest and insightful view into the anxious minds of millennials. I now have…
On The Wisdom of Grief and Anxiety – Building a Life of Meaning Outside of the Social Media Trap
Which was the phisioligical cause of Rinpoche's death.
On Passing of His Holiness Dudjom Sangye Pema Shepa Rinpoche Announced
Wonderful article!!
On Nabji, Part One: Bearing Relics