Thank you for this wonderful history of my birthplace. Did not know my own history and ancestry from history books…
On Buddhism – The Golden Heritage of Bengal
For those of us who may or may not have been monastics during part of our lives, but who are…
On A Conversation on the Householder Life Today
r.i.p 🙁
On 109-year-old Thai Buddhist Monk Luang Pho Yai Dies
This is a very sad article. May all aspirants practise the 19th vows to benefits all sentient beings as well…
On Pure Land: An “Easy Path” of Practice?
Sounds wonderful, but I wonder how much will actually change for the animals. For example, here in Quebec, Canada, where…
On New UK Law to Formally Recognize Animals as Sentient Beings
“Even a single spelling or grammar mistake results in minus point, as it shows that you were not mindful during…
On Beginner’s Mind: That’s a Good Question . . .
very helpful for our upcoming trip to kyoto1!!1!111!!!!!
On Kiyomizu-dera: Kyoto’s Temple of Pure Water in Legend and Art
You have certainly missed my point, and even proven mine with what you have written. But no matter, Herr Heinrich,…
On The Beauty and Grief of Being Alive
I wholeheartedly agree with everything you say David. Unfortunately the same comments apply to the situation in Ukraine, the middle…
On Myanmar Junta Has Destroyed Over 100 Buddhist Monasteries, Christian Churches – Report
Well said! Sadhu, Sadhu!
On Responding to Politics with Equanimity