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On Buddhistdoor View: Buddhism in Southeast Asia: a Catalyst for Civic Exchange
Highly insightful article. All 13 points have a unique message. In other way - so many types of happiness...Across the…
On Different Kinds of Happiness
Dear Alan, Big thanks for Your work and insight on Buddha Dharma teachings. I was wondering if You could also…
On The Body’s Appearance Upon Rebirth in the Land of Bliss
It's becoming clear that with all the brain and consciousness theories out there, the proof will be in the pudding.…
On The Potential of Personhood: David Hanson on How AI and Human Beings Can Help Each Other
On Understanding the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path
I disagree. I find it ironic that there is an article on this website that explains how misconduct occurs and…
On Buddhist Leaders and Communities Around the World Protest Misrepresentations of the Dalai Lama
早安!您好我是台北ACC的宣傳組長Klose(佑銘),因為先前有看到貴單位的一篇文章(Buddhistdoor View: Africa – Continental Legacies, Religious Inheritances By buddhistdoor February 4, 2023),其中內容有提到慧禮法師和ACC,文章內容非常精彩,所以我們也特別將其翻譯成中文,剛好新的季刊大象腳印將再5月發行,想請問不知道貴單位是否可以同意提供我們進行刊登使用,謝謝您!
On Buddhistdoor View: Africa – Continental Legacies, Religious Inheritances
I think it might be helpful to remember that His Holiness is also a great scholar, familiar with all the…
On Dalai Lama’s Statements about Women and Refugees Lead to Outcry and an Apology
Agreed, very well done!
On Thangkas, Terabytes, and Tradition
Thank you for this lovely piece about Aitken Rōshi. Question: where is the excerpt at the end, “Words of Wisdom…
On Robert Aitken: From POW to Zen Master