On Loving and Losing Our Pets
Coming to terms with grief and impermanence for our furry friends and family members
Coming to terms with grief and impermanence for our furry friends and family members
Revivalist, the earliest engaged Buddhist, a nationalist in religious garb, a Buddhist modernist . . Dharmapala was all these and much more
VisionSpring India’s managing director, Anshu Taneja, reveals how his organization is bringing eyecare to Dharamsala’s monks and workers
Introducing contributor Maia Duerr and her new column Dharma Compass, with an exploration of her background in Buddhism and Zen
As the Parliament of the World’s Religions celebrates its 130th anniversary, we examine the concept of Human Rights in Buddhism
Sakyadhita and the fourfold sangha—the path to female monasticism
A meditation on the many ways that silence and being silenced can impact our lives
A meditation on what cats and Buddhist practice can teach us about unconditional love and acceptance
Reflections on the teachings of Sot’aesan, founder of Won Buddhism, on finding religious harmony within diversity
Exploring the unique nature of the Pure Land and the buddhahood-oriented goal of rebirth in Amitabha’s world
Joseph Houseal explores the world of Buddhist ritual dance and profiles two Western exponents and practitioners, and their unique perspectives
Raoul Saigal of Asiatiques Gallery shares his knowledge of replicating true-to-history Buddha images from India’s golden ages