What Keeps the Cycle of Births and Deaths Rolling?
In this essay I give a brief explanation of the concept of ‘saṅkhāra’, an important factor in the Buddhist theory of Causality, showing its role
In this essay I give a brief explanation of the concept of ‘saṅkhāra’, an important factor in the Buddhist theory of Causality, showing its role
The role of women in Buddhism, especially in Buddhist monasticism, has been a controversial topic of late. Ajahn Brahm’s recent ordination of nun’s into his
Once a man came to see the Buddha. He brought with him two beautiful bouquets of flowers. When the Buddha saw him, he said, “Let
For those who have experienced meditation I think we might all be able to relate with the following situation. We are sitting in a meditation
Once Zen Master To An was visiting another temple. He was not wearing his Zen Master clothes, but just the clothes of a wandering monk.
The emphasis on patience in Buddhism can often be problematic in a world full of injustice and cruelty. There are many tales in the Buddhist
A man went to his colleague’s home for dinner. At the door, there was a big sign saying: Take off your troubles.Put on a Smiling
Mundane excitement and spiritual opportunity are watchwords of human love. While no one would advise ignoring our other halves, it is also ideal to reflect
When as an undergraduate philosophy student, I was to write on the concept of self-identity, naturally my thoughts traversed the extensive literature covering the topic
With a notable and inspiring academic background of Buddhist Studies in England, Alastair is completing a PhD at Cambridge and was President of the University
Siddham, according to Prof. Wang Bangwei of Peking University, refers to a specific type of script used in ancient India; in China, it refers more
The title seems obvious enough. That’s why a closer look at the phenomenon of potential misidentification of authoritative figures will be treated here, the mechanisms