Earth Green Day and Green Dharma (1)
The 2011 Earth Day festivities were celebrated globally on April 22, 2011. The Earth Day ought not to be honoured and observed by the environmentally concerned public
The 2011 Earth Day festivities were celebrated globally on April 22, 2011. The Earth Day ought not to be honoured and observed by the environmentally concerned public
The Heart Sutra is heart of Buddhist spirituality. Understanding Heart Sutra makes the issue of ecology or environmentalism crystal clear to a penetrative Buddhist. In fact, many
An idea which attempts to gain credibility for itself by demonstrating its non-contradiction with an established school of thought has implicitly subordinated itself to the
The history of Mahayana Buddhism is full of a variety of schools and traditions which contributed widely to philosophy in Asia. One of the most debated
May the 8th was Brain Cancer Action Week in Australia. That day was a bittersweet one for eight-year-old Jeremiah Del Tufo, who passed away from brain cancer.
I had a shock after reading this news piece. Not at the fact that the minister shaved his head (people shave their heads all the time,
Having sampled religious life across Asia, a Westerner is compelled to seek compromise This provocatively titled book seems intended to ride the coattails of the
Dr. Ramala Sarma is Assistant Professor at the Department of Philosophy of Nowgong College, Nogaon. Society, from its beginnings to today, has witnessed tremendous changes.
Why is the illusion of inherent existence, and independent self in particular, so strong and difficult to overcome to most of us? LABELS The first,
Last week, the leader of the free world, Barack Obama, watched on live camera stream one of the most successful and important operations ever conducted
Last Sunday, Karol Wojtyla, subsequently the previous head of the Catholic Church John Paul II, was beatified by his successor, the present Pope Benedict XVI. Beatification
Observing impermanence in our daily lives can be quite difficult. Our friends and family can seem quite stable as we perform our daily jobs in