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There are many things one can reflect on and learn from viewing the movie named Karma, the story of which is centered on a nunnery located

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The Book of the Dead

The Book of the Dead, originally known in Japanese as Shisha no Sho– it was also translated as “The Book of a Dead Person”. This film

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A Nun’s Journey

We feature this interview with Venerable Nirodha from the Dhammasera Monastery in western Australia conducted by our Dhamma friend, Eng Chin Ho, of the Buddhist

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Words of My Perfect Teacher

This is a film about a Buddhist teacher from Bhutan, Khyentse Norbu Rinpoche, and his western followers: a Canadian engineer, an English fortune teller, and an

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Tulku, a film by Gesar Mukpo, examines the tulku system and its application to people recognized as tulkus in the West. Tulku is Tibetan for manifestation and

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Amongst White Clouds

Amongst White Clouds presents a rare opportunity to catch a glimpse into the reclusive lives of China’s Zen Buddhist hermits.  The American director Edward A. Burger guides

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