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The Story behind the Kaṭhina Robe

Ka?hina and Ka?hina kusala What is meant by Ka?hina? The Pali term ‘Ka?hina’ means: strong, strength, hard, solid, rigid, powerful, firm, inflexible, and stiff. Therefore, Ka?hina kusala means: ‘very strong

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Our Roundup: Buddhist News You Missed

Recently BDI co-hosted a dialogue about controversial contemporary issues with Ven. Thamthog Rinpoche (Vajray?na), Ven. Tianwen (Mah?y?na), and Ven. Dhammapala (Therav?da). You can read about

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The Heart Sutra: A New Translation

The Heart Sutra (the shortest of the Prajnaparamita body of scriptures) needs almost no introduction. It represents for many Buddhists the most recognizable treasure of Mahayana literature, a text

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