Beginner’s Mind: Part of the Ocean: On Buddhism and Islam
A US college student examines some of the confluences of Buddhism and Islam, and how this has shaped her personal practice
A US college student examines some of the confluences of Buddhism and Islam, and how this has shaped her personal practice
A high school student in the US recognizes the importance of a supportive sangha during an experiential learning course on Buddhism
Rev. Grace Song shares her remarks given on 16 March 2024 at the “May We Gather” pilgrimage in Antioch, California
The Pure Land Buddhist tradition is affirmed by Shakyamuni Buddha’s encouragement to strive for rebirth in the Land of Bliss
In Buddhist thought, emptiness plays an essential role in understanding the deepest truths of reality. In Buddhist practice, emptiness can create a powerful space for life and growth and so much more.
Mahapajapati deserves to be remembered as the founder of the great women’s community that remains to this day, and as a woman who stood up for gender equity, beginning work that is ongoing
Dharma Bum Temple’s Engaged Buddhist Training Program provides an eight-week long initiative ending with refuge and vow ceremonies
Ven. Pomnyun Sunim gives a Dharma teaching on the path to peave and on attaining happiness
As the many crisis around the world continue to grow, interfaith workers offer a unique perspective to help us all connect more meaningfully both to one another and to our own religious tradition
Having just returned from a two-month retreat in Wales, Ratnadevi offers us a glimpse of the path and process of engaging with the non-dual nature of the mind
Zen teacher Yamada Mumon Rōshi’s series of essays on Hakuin’s poem receives a rich and faithful English translation
Buddhist artist Tiffani Gyatso offers a meditation on the tantric path of inner spiritual practice