Master Shandao’s Exegesis of the Sincere Mind, Part One
The Sincere Mind is the Genuine Mind Let us look at Master Shandao’s explanation of the Threefold State of Mind in his Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra.
The Sincere Mind is the Genuine Mind Let us look at Master Shandao’s explanation of the Threefold State of Mind in his Commentary on the Contemplation Sutra.
In November 1989, as an 11-year-old, I watched a puzzling scene unfold on our black-and-white TV: huge crowds of people had gathered in central Prague
When my eldest daughter, Amaya, was four she started attending an afternoon daycare center in town. It was during that same year when, one afternoon
Buddhism first came to Russia in the 17th century and became firmly established mainly in three Russian republics, Buryatia, Kalmykia, and Tuva, where it had
The light of the guru is a lamp that never goes dark. My root teacher is still the North Star in the night sky, though
I know I am not alone in feeling overwhelmed by the results of the presidential election in the United States. The whole world, it seems,
From the top of a mountain we can see far and wide. We can see the land and the sky. Standing at the meeting point
The transmission of Buddhist art from India to China is a fascinating topic. Indeed, how did pious and profound art, along with a complex belief
To many practitioners of the Mahayana schools of Buddhism of East Asia and the esoteric traditions of the Himalayas and Japan, bodhisattvas, or “enlightenment beings,”
In 2000, Ven. Bhikkhuni Santini Theri, better known as Ayya Santini, became the first modern woman to be ordained in the Theravada Buddhist tradition in
The History Boys (2006), a masterful film adaptation of playwright Alan Bennett’s drama of the same name, has a thoughtful and melancholy ending. The film deploys
Since February this year, we have been discussing the importance of faith and its role in Pure Land Buddhism. In this instalment I hope to