Knowledge Technologies and Openness
The World Wide Web is the most powerful platform and enabler for innumerable digital technological and social innovations that can facilitate all aspects of learning,
The World Wide Web is the most powerful platform and enabler for innumerable digital technological and social innovations that can facilitate all aspects of learning,
Dharmic insights for urban Buddhists
Some eight miles (13 kilometers) outside of Jasper, a small town in the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas, a new Tibetan Buddhist community is taking root.
While our senses may have become dulled by city life, two masters, Tam Po Shek and Wing Chi Ip, teach us that we can find
The Trump era is here. The past few weeks have seen the most controversial man to ever sit in the White House send the world
Cities and Kings: Ancient Treasures from Myanmar is the latest in a series of special exhibitions on Southeast Asia curated by the Asian Civilisations Museum (ACM)
The world is beset by what are often called “intractable problems.” Agitation and response seem to run in circles of escalating violence, with little apparent
Our organs are the most intimate parts of our bodies. We almost never notice them functioning but without them we could not survive. Giving them
According to the Ekottara Agama Sutra (增一阿含經), the first Buddha image was made of wood. It is said that when the Buddha was teaching his deceased mother in
Whenever I teach Japanese Buddhism, whether in the Americas, Europe, or East Asia, I frequently run into the same assumption among students that Buddhists, for
“It’s not a thrill a minute. You’re not seeing auras and jumping into other dimensions,” says Susan Piver. “Meditation is not a life hack. .
After a long and difficult journey across the precipices and through the blizzards of the Tian Shan mountain ranges, Xuanzang (fl. c. 602–64) finally reached