Join our CBS Family

Becoming a part of the Centre

You too, can be part of our Centre. We welcome you. There are several ways you can join us:

Be a student     

We offer:

·          A taught Master of Buddhist Studies (MBS) degree programme

·          Research degree programmes (MPhil and PhD)

·          Undergraduate courses

·          Certificate Course in Buddhist Textual Studies (?~???????Үѽҵ{)

Master of Buddhist Studies degree programme

The Master of Buddhist Studies programme aims to provide students with fundamental knowledge in Buddhist studies. The programme covers various aspects of Buddhist teachings and offers over 20 courses in 2012-13. The programme has attracted students from diversified backgrounds, professions and nationalities. In 2012-13, non-local applicants made up nearly 40% of the total applicants and came from different countries including Bangladesh, France, Germany, India, Malaysia, Russia, Singapore, U.K., U.S.A. and Mainland China. Over the past decade, up to 500 students have graduated from the programme. 

Research degree programmes (MPhil and PhD)

The Centre has enrolled 20 postgraduate research students in its MPhil and PhD programmes. It has so far awarded MPhil/ PhD degree to 16 students. Our students have conducted research in various areas includingDoctrinal and historical studies of the different Buddhist traditions, e.g. Theravada, Mahayana, Vinaya and the Buddhist sects in the Abhidharma period;Buddhism as applied to the social sciences perspective, e.g. counseling, palliative care, mediation, psychology and psychotherapy;Modern interpretation of Buddhism, e.g. Buddhism and society, humanistic ethics; andTextual studies, e.g. translation and textual analysis of important canonical and post-canonical Buddhist texts.

Undergraduate courses

In the past 10 years, the Centre has been offering courses to undergraduate students of the University of Hong Kong from various faculties. Student response towards these courses has been very encouraging, as over 1400 students have joined our courses. Up to 9 courses will be offered in the coming academic year, which include: Life and Buddhism, Introduction to Buddhist teachings, Zen in East Asia, Buddhism and Chinese Culture, Buddhist psychology and mental cultivation, Introduction to Buddhist art, and Introductory Sanskrit.

Certificate Course in Buddhist Textual Studies

The Chinese Certificate Course in Buddhist Textual Studies is a four-year course which has been offered by CBS since the academic year 2005-06. The main objective of the course is to enable students to have a comprehensive understanding of Chinese and Indian Buddhism through the systematic study of Theravada, Mahayana and Chinese Buddhist texts in preparation for future Buddhist research. The course has received a decent response over the years, averaging around 70 students being enrolled each year.

Be enlightened

Join our public talks and academic lectures on Buddhist topics of interest given by renowned scholars and public figures. Up to September 2012, 149 academic lectures and 36 public talks have been delivered by speakers such as Prof. Jao Tsung-I, Ven. Gelong Matthieu Ricard, Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh and Ven. Master Hsing-Yun, to mention but a few, and there are many more distinguished talks and lectures to come.

Be a practitioner

You can also participate in meditation sessions and Dharma events organized by our Centre.

Our Patrons

The Centre is honoured to have the following members as its patrons:

·       Mr. Robert H. N. Ho, Director, Tung Lin Kok Yuen

·       Professor Jao Tsung – I, GBM
 Venerable Kok Kwong, GBS,President, Hong Kong Buddhist Association

·       Ms. Elsie O. S. Leung, GBM, JP

·       Mr. K. S. Li, GBM, KBE,Chairman, Li Ka Shing Foundation

·       Dr. Charles Yeung, SBS, JP,Chairman, The Glorious Sun Holdings Limited

Our ManagementCommittee

The Centre is managed by the Management Committee, consisting of:

Professor C. F. Lee (Chairman),Director, HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education

Mr. Archie W. K. Chan,Representative of Founding Donor, Glorious Sun Group

Professor Cecilia L.W. Chan,Founding Fellow, Centre of Buddhist Studies

Professor L. C. Chan,Co-opted member

Venerable Dr. Guang Xing,Co-opted member

Professor K. Louie,Dean, Faculty of Arts

Dr. Helen S. H. Ma,Teacher Representative of the Master of Buddhist Studies degree programme

Venerable Sik Hin Hung,Director, Centre of Buddhist Studies

Mr. John Y. H. Tam,Representative of Founding Donor, Tung Lin Kok Yuen

The above list refers to members of the Management Committee 2012-13

Our Staff


Venerable Sik Hin Hung (Assistant Professor)

Our teachers

Mr. Alan S. T. Chan (Visiting Lecturer)

Dr. N. C. Chan (Visiting Assistant Professor)

Dr. K. S. Chiu (Visiting Lecturer)

Venerable Professor K. L. Dhammajoti (Glorious Sun Professor in Buddhist Studies)

Venerable Dr. Dhammapala (Visiting Assistant Professor)

Professor T. Endo (Associate Professor)

Venerable Dr. Guang Xing (Assistant Professor)

Dr. G. T. Halkias (Visiting Assistant Professor)

Mr. S. M. Ho (Visiting Lecturer)

Professor Y. Karunadasa (Visiting Professor)

Dr. K. L. Kong (Honorary Associate Professor)

Professor L. R. Lancaster (Visiting Professor)

Dr. K. F. Li (Visiting Lecturer)

Dr. Helen S. W. Ma (Visiting Assistant Professor)

Dr. Bill M. B. Mak (Visiting Assistant Professor)

Venerable Dr. Sik Fa Ren (Teaching Consultant)

Dr. C. H. Tsui (Tung Lin Kok Yuen Fellow in Buddhist Art)

Dr. W. S. Wong (Associate Professor of the Department of Architecture)

Dr. Helena S. Y. Yuen (Visiting Assistant Professor)

The above list refers to members of the teaching team for the academic year 2012-13

For updated information and background details on the teaching staff, please refer to our website.

For further enquiries, please contact us in any of the following ways:

Address: Centre of Buddhist Studies

             Room C0415, 4/F, The Jockey Club Tower

             Centennial Campus, The University of Hong Kong

             Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 3917-5019

Fax: (852) 2549-3040

Email:[email protected]

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