Entangled in Indra’s Net
Diving fully into Mahayana Buddhist philosophy in order to connect deeply with contemporary intercultural and interfaith encounters
Diving fully into Mahayana Buddhist philosophy in order to connect deeply with contemporary intercultural and interfaith encounters
On the development of a 20th century doctrinal chart in Won Buddhism
A college student in the US shares how a course in Buddhist Modernism changed their relationship with impermanence
A new Buddhist institute in Brazil will combine academic and practical rigor to train students in experiential and transformative learning.
An intellectual story of the convergence between quantum physics and Mahayana Buddhism on the big ideas of emptiness, reality, and the mind
An American high school student reflects on encounters with the Buddhadharma and the kindness found therein
A new monograph on one of the key figures in the history of Tibetan Buddhism
A history of the idea and practice of mindfulness, East and West
Relating dependent origination to synchronicity
Buddhist wisdom helps an American high school student reframe her perception of education and the pressures of social expectations
Exploring Buddhist philosophy through the varied ways that practitioners in Japan navigate death and conversations with insentient beings
Resolving a seeming contradiction in two Pure Land scriptures of whether committers of two grave offences can be reborn in the Pure Land